Andrew Weale brings Nora to The Bedonwell Infant School in Bexleyheath

On his visit to The Bedonwell Infant School in Bexleyheath, Andrew ran activities and competitions on the theme of Nora!

The Individual Winners are:

Sam Alvin, from the Orange class

Jiya Randeep, from the Blue class

Katy Charlotte, from the Red class

Caitlyn Archie, from the Rainbow class

Andrew doing a presentationAndrew doing a presentationAndrew doing a presentation


The class as a whole wrote this sequel to Nora:

Eventually Nora decided to jump off the amazing cheesy moon. Surprisingly, she landed on Jupiter which was made of creamy vanilla ice cream. In one big gulp Nora gobbled the entire planet!

Unfortunately, Nora was still as hungry as a greedy crocodile. She hitched a ride with a green, one-eyed alien in a flying saucer and landed on Pluto. Brilliantly, Pluto was made from wobbly, strawberry jelly.

As quick as a flash Nora began to slurp the whole planet. Just as Nora got to the last bite – BANG! Nora exploded into thousands of pieces!


Andrew helps the children writeAndrew helps the children write the sequeldrawn by Megan in Blue class, plate of fooddrawn by Abbie red class, a moondrawn by chloe from the orange houseDrawn by Jessica in the Rainbow Class, face