Andersen Press Andersen Press


Joe King
Joe King

Joe King was born and grew up in Little Chortle. He recently moved to Greater Guffaw with his wife, Lar. Lar and Joe enjoy joking and larking around and playing with their two guinea pigs, chuckle and giggle. Joe King is the author of The Funniest Spooky Joke Book Ever and The Funniest Christmas Joke Book Ever.

The Funniest Space Joke Book Ever

(Paperback) - 02/02/2017


The Funniest Space Joke Book Ever RRP £5.99


Why did the sun go to school?
To get brighter!

Why did the cow go to outer space?
To visit the Milky Way!

How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket!

Why did the alien knit itself three socks?
Because it grew another foot!

Kids will be over the moon with this collection of fantastically funny space jokes!

  • Paperback
  • Published: 02/02/2017
  • ISBN: 9781783445035
  • Age Range: 7+ years